The IEEA programme was launched in 2017. Through phases 1 and 2 a total of £8.1 million was awarded by UK government, leveraging another £7.6 million from private sector funding, to support 16 different projects. The projects cover a wide range of sectors, from cement to paper manufacture to wastewater treatment. The focus has been on innovations with large cross-sector energy saving and carbon reduction potential. The innovations are all rigorously tested in an operational industrial environment against an agreed Measurement and Verification (M&V) plan. Together, these projects have the potential to deliver 40.5TWh of energy savings by 2031, which is the equivalent to powering 12% of the UK's electricity consumption for one year (2019).
Discover the technologies demonstrated in phases 1 and 2
Applications from Phase 4 of the IEEA are now being assessed.
The list of projects supported through IEEA 4 will be published in early 2023.
The IEEA is delivered by the Carbon Trust with support from Jacobs and KTN.

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